China and its Discontents

Archive for the ‘YouTube’ tag

One Brilliant, One Depressing Video from Ai Weiwei

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First, Ai Weiwei mocks his captors while he was detained for a year (watch to the very end, please, it’s worth it):

The New York Times’ Andrew Jacobs has more on the video, including this very surprising piece of information:

The video was shot by the cinematographer Christopher Doyle, an Australian resident of Hong Kong who is best known for his work with Wong Kar-wai, a director of highly stylized films, and Zhang Yimou, who has in recent years been a favorite of the Communist Party. (ital added)

One question: what is Zhang Yimou of all people doing making a film for Ai Weiwei? Has he found his conscience?

And now the second, disturbing, video:

The title states that this was a street brawl in Beijing between Han Chinese restaurant workers and Tibetan street vendors, but Tsering Woeser on twitter has said that one of the groups was not Tibetan, but made up of members of the Qiang ethnic minority.

Written by Will

May 22nd, 2013 at 10:53 am

Humor Break: 红军版江南Style/Gangnam Style the Red Army remix

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I could make a sociological comment on modern appropriation of socialist realist art and what it means for the Chinese national psyche, but why bother?

Written by Will

September 28th, 2012 at 11:53 pm

No, the Chinese aren’t this Sinister

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James Fallows calls this ad “the first spot from this campaign season you can imagine people actually remembering a decade from now.” Besides its glaring economic inaccuracies, the Chinese in 2030 come off looking rather evil. They’re really, really, really not!

Written by Will

October 22nd, 2010 at 3:14 am

Posted in China,Politics

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